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Mi mundo en otra lengua

Asesor de la materia:
 Lic. Amilcar

Hola, si estás aquí leyendo esto es porque tomaste la decisión de superarte y de sobresalir en la vida, la cual como ya sabrás es más satisfactoria si estás preparado para enfrentar cualquier reto o situación.

El primer paso hacia el éxito ya lo diste, pero de ti depende si llegas a la meta o si te rindes y te conformas con el intento. Debes tomar en cuenta y tener en mente en todo momento que el éxito no es fácil y tendrás que hacer tu mayor esfuerzo y sacrificio para sobresalir, por lo que tienes que ir paso a paso y abriendo tu mente a nuevas posibilidades, a nuevos conocimientos y a nuevos mundos, y que mejor ejemplo de esos nuevos mundos que los idiomas, en específico el inglés, el cual no es solo una herramienta sino una llave que te abrirá las puertas a nuevos panoramas y experiencias totalmente diferentes que te sorprenderán y a la vez te harán crecer como persona y como profesionista.

Unidad 1

Una de las acciones más comunes para iniciar una conversación es saludar y esperar que el interlocutor también lo haga. ¿No es así? Lo más probable es que tú lo hagas así, pues desde pequeño tus padres te habrán acostumbrado a ello. En algunas ocasiones habrás saludado con gestos pero lo más común es que lo hayas hecho de manera verbal, usando la lengua oral o escrita. Lo habrás hecho de manera informal para entablar conversación con alguien interesante, en un lugar público o al entrar a la escuela. Es posible que en breve lo hagas en el mundo laboral. Sí, en ese mundo que exige, hoy más que antes, saber expresarse en inglés para saber comunicarse, pero también para obtener un trabajo bien remunerado. No cabe duda que el inglés es un idioma que sirve de puente para mejorar expectativas de empleo. ¿Lo sabías?

TO BE + Profession in English | Learn English TO BE | Basic English Lesson | What do YOU do?

TO BE + Profession in English | Learn English TO BE | Basic English Lesson | What do YOU do?

How to say your profession or occupation in English using TO BE. We look at the importance of using A and AN when saying a profession including example sentences. We also see how you can ask about someone's profession or occupation using "What do you do?" and also the version when asking about the job of another person "What does he/she do?" There is a practice section with a cartoon picture of a profession or job and the student needs to respond the question. For example: What does John do? (He is a...) See our complete English lesson about To Be + Profession here: What do you do? Write your answer in the comments section. #ToBe #Professions #BasicEnglish 💚💚💚 How to support WOODWARD ENGLISH 💚💚💚 📗 ENGLISH LANGUAGE RESOURCES 📗 🌿 English Resources for Teachers and Parents. (PDF and PPT - Ideal for ESOL students or homeschool). These PDFs are also great for those studying English alone. 🎥 JOIN Woodward English on YouTube 🎥 🌿 - Exclusive videos only for members. - Exclusive members only posts in our YT community tab - Loyalty badges next to your name in comments and live chat - Custom emoji to use in live chat 📗 BOOKS I RECOMMEND 📗 🌿 Practical English Usage – Michael Swan - 🌿 English Grammar in Use – Raymond Murphy - 🌿 Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS - 🌿 The Practice of English Language Teaching – Jeremy Harmer - 🌿 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary - As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Each purchase of the above helps me to continue creating more free English language resources on YouTube and the Woodward English websites. 💚💚💚 Do you like WOODWARD ENGLISH and want to learn more? 💚💚💚 Here are the next steps to improving your English: 1) SUBSCRIBE to the WOODWARD ENGLISH channel so you know when I create new videos to help you improve your English. 🌿 Make sure you click the notification bell so you know immediately when I upload a new English lesson. 2) See our FREE ENGLISH LESSONS and language learning articles: 🌿 (Grammar lessons) 🌿 (Vocabulary lessons) 🌿 (Free English courses) 3) LET'S CONNECT! 🌿 🌿 ✉️ Send us a postcard from your country ✉️ Rob Woodward P.O. Box 38438 Howick Auckland 2145 New Zealand NOTE: Our English lessons and English language resources are for people over the age of 13. Have an awesome day! - Rob Woodward

Unidad 2

El esfuerzo y el trabajo constante siempre es recompensado, por ello entre más habilidades desarrolles mayor expectativa de crecimiento personal, profesional y laboral puedes tener. Saber comunicarte en inglés te dará la oportunidad de acercarte a otros mundos y a otras personas, ¿no lo crees? Sin embargo, todavía falta camino por andar. Es necesario aprender el manejo de la lengua, poco a poco. Ya sabes cómo iniciar una conversación dando información general de tu persona pero eso no lo es todo, para mantener una conversación es importante ampliar tu vocabulario, conocer un mayor número de palabras. ¿Has pensado cómo podrías referirte a distintos objetos básicos y lugares sin saber nombrarlos?

Clothing and Colors | Singular Nouns | Vocabulary-Based Conversations | ESL | EFL | ELL

Clothing and Colors | Singular Nouns | Vocabulary-Based Conversations | ESL | EFL | ELL

In this video, you will learn clothing and colors. Each sentence is illustrated for better understanding. Sentences are color coded so that you can see how the grammar is structured. With each vocabulary pattern, you will be able to repeat after Mark and will be able to practice on your own. This will help with your vocabulary, speaking and fluency skills. Language in use: What is it? It's a coat. What color is it? It's red. What is it? It's a turtleneck sweater. What color is it? It's orange. What is it? It's a skirt. What color is it? It's purple. What is it? It's a jacket. What color is it? It's green. What is it? It's a tee shirt. What color is it? It's yellow. What is it? It's a winter hat. What color is it? It's gray. What is it? It's a sweater. What color is it? It's brown. What is it? It's a dress. What color is it? It's pink. What is it? It's a shirt. What color is it? It's blue. ******* For more videos, please subscribe: Get Flashcards and Worksheets. Visit Mark's website: Become a Member: Here are my T-Shirts / Coffee Mug: Here are my Conversation Cards and Textbooks: Here are my ebooks: 25 Short Simple Conversations Volume One: 25 Short Simple Conversations Volume Two: For those of you who are interested in teaching English to young learners. Please have a look at my blog: Sharing My Whiteboard. ******* About Mark's Channel: This channel is designed for students, teachers and anyone wanting to learn English. My videos are vocabulary-based for conversation practice. Each video is themed to provide context for learning. To insure success, every video is designed with open slots for vocabulary substitution practice. These patterns allow students to practice on their own and teachers can have their class practice together as a group. These videos also work great for icebreakers and class discussions. Please have fun and speak English now! Thank you for your support. ****** #EnglishSpeakingPractice #ELL #DailyConversations #EasyConversationPractice


💁 En la lección de hoy vamos a practicar la diferencia entre ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS y PRONOMBRES POSESIVOS: 👉 SUBJECT PRONOUNS 👉 POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES 👉 POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS ⭐ DESCARGA LA GUÍA DE ESTUDIO GRATIS: ⭐ POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES: ⭐ POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS: ⭐ VIDEOS EN ORDEN PARA EMPEZAR DESDE CERO: MAS VIDEOS QUE TE PUEDEN INTERESAR: ➕ SUSTANTIVOS, ADJETIVOS Y VERBOS - PRIMAVERA ➕ SUSTANTIVOS, ADJETIVOS Y VERBOS - VERANO ➕ SUSTANTIVOS, ADJETIVOS Y VERBOS - OTOÑO ➕ LOS ADJETIVOS ANTES DE LOS SUSTANTIVOS ➕ ADJETIVOS OPUESTOS EN INGLES ➕ ADJETIVOS EN INGLES Y ESPAÑOL ➕ COMO USAR LOS ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS EN INGLES ➕ ADJECTIVOS EN INGLES Y ESPAÑOL - PRONUNCIACION Y DEFINICION - SUSTANTIVOS EN INGLES ➕ SUSTANTIVOS CONTABLES E INCONTABLES EN INGLES ➕ COMPARATIVES - PART 1: Esta es la introducción donde te explico qué son los sustantivos, adjetivos y comparativos en ingles ➕ COMPARATIVES - SPELLING: En esta lección te explico una regla de ortografía que debes usar cuando le agregas ER a los adjetivos comparativos ➕ COMPARATIVES - PART 2: En esta lección te explico cómo agregarle la palabra MORE a los adjetivos comparativos. ➕ COMPARATIVES - EXCEPTIONS: En esta lección te explico las excepciones de los comparativos en inglés. ➕ COMPARATIVES - SUMMARY: En esta lección hacemos un repaso del uso de comparativos en inglés. ➕ COMPARATIVES VS SUPERLATIVES: En esta lección te explico la diferencia entre los comparativos y superlativos en ingles. ➕ COMPARATIVES OF ADVERBS - PART 1: En esta lección te explico como usar los comparativos de los adverbios en inglés. ➕ COMPARATIVES OF ADVERBS - PART 2: Esta es la segunda parte de la explicacion de cómo usar los comparativos de los adverbios. Graphics provided by: DERECHOS DE USO: Queda prohibido vender o hacer uso comercial de cualquier parte del material y videos encontrados en el canal de YouTube y sitio web de: Inglés Paso a Paso con Lucie / Cursos de Inglés ATS. No se puede alterar ninguna parte de este material para venderlo o usarlo como parte de un curso en línea o presencial, editarlo, cargarlo a redes sociales, o a hacer cualquier otro uso que no esté autorizado por escrito.

Unidad 3

Dice un refrán popular: "Mente sana en cuerpo sano". Para gozar de buena salud es importante practicar algún deporte o realizar alguna actividad física además de contar con un pasatiempo, un entretenimiento que permita tener ratos agradables. Según los especialistas en el cuidado de la salud, este tipo de actividades pueden ser útiles para manejar el estrés y la tensión que genera el trabajo, despejarse y lograr que una persona tenga una mejor calidad de vida. Por ello, es recomendable la práctica de algún deporte y el desarrollo de alguna afición o pasatiempo.

Can Can't Cannot | Learn English Grammar | Basic English Lesson by Woodward English

Can Can't Cannot | Learn English Grammar | Basic English Lesson by Woodward English

A grammar lesson about CAN in English. We show you how to use CAN to make both positive and negative sentences, as well as how to make questions using CAN. There are lots of example sentences with Can. We also mention the difference pronunciation of CAN'T in American English vs. British English. This entire English lesson is about using CAN in the present simple tense. NEXT ACTIVITIES For more details about CAN see our website: We also have an interactive game for you to play: There is also a page about the difference between CAN and COULD: #BasicEnglish #EnglishLesson #CanCannot 💚💚💚 How to support WOODWARD ENGLISH 💚💚💚 📗 ENGLISH LANGUAGE RESOURCES 📗 🌿 English Resources for Teachers and Parents. (PDF and PPT - Ideal for ESOL students or homeschool). These PDFs are also great for those studying English alone. 🎥 JOIN Woodward English on YouTube 🎥 🌿 - Exclusive videos only for members. - Exclusive members only posts in our YT community tab - Loyalty badges next to your name in comments and live chat - Custom emoji to use in live chat 💚💚💚 Do you like WOODWARD ENGLISH and want to learn more? 💚💚💚 Here are the next steps to improving your English: 1) SUBSCRIBE to the WOODWARD ENGLISH channel so you know when I create new videos to help you improve your English. 🌿 Make sure you click the notification bell so you know immediately when I upload a new English lesson. 2) See our FREE ENGLISH LESSONS and language learning articles: 🌿 (Grammar lessons) 🌿 (Vocabulary lessons) 🌿 (Free English courses) 3) LET'S CONNECT! 🌿 🌿 ✉️ Send us a postcard from your country ✉️ Rob Woodward P.O. Box 38438 Howick Auckland 2145 New Zealand NOTE: Our English lessons and English language resources are for people over the age of 13. Have an awesome day! - Rob Woodward
Questions with CAN - English Speaking Practice

Questions with CAN - English Speaking Practice

An ESOL activity to practice speaking English by creating and answering questions with CAN. This video is useful for teachers to use with their students in ESOL class or parents with their teenagers (or even by yourself at home or work). The video is divided into four main sections: PART 1: Questions with short answers - Students need to answer the following questions with short answers (Yes, he can. No, they can't etc.) PART 2: Students need to create questions using CAN. There is a cartoon with a verb written above it. Students need to create a question using that verb and the modal verb CAN. PART 3: Answer these 20 questions about you. Students need to a respond whether they CAN or CANNOT do the activities that are mentioned. PART 4: Students need to say three things they CAN do, and then three things they CANNOT do. There are cartoon characters that help to answer each question. These in turn can be used for additional vocabulary. It is recommended that you pause after every question to give the student(s) time to answer (hopefully orally). At the beginning of the video, before PART 1, there is a quick 1-minute summary of how to make questions with CAN in English. #EnglishSpeaking #EnglishPractice #EnglishQuestions 💚💚💚 How to support WOODWARD ENGLISH 💚💚💚 📗 ENGLISH LANGUAGE RESOURCES 📗 🌿 English Resources for Teachers and Parents. (PDF and PPT - Ideal for ESOL students or homeschool). These PDFs are also great for those studying English alone. ⭐ LIVE 1-ON-1 ENGLISH LESSONS ⭐ 🌿 (affiliate) Get $10 USD in italki credits after booking your first language lesson. The most EFFICIENT way to reach English fluency! - Customized 1-on-1 lessons with professionally qualified teachers that cater to students’ learning needs and interests. - Speaking with humans is the best way to learn English. 🎥 JOIN Woodward English on YouTube 🎥 🌿 - Exclusive videos only for members. - Exclusive members only posts in our YT community tab - Exclusive Discord channel. - Loyalty badges next to your name in comments and live chat - Custom emoji to use in live chat 📗 BOOKS I RECOMMEND 📗 🌿 Practical English Usage – Michael Swan - 🌿 English Grammar in Use – Raymond Murphy - 🌿 Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS - 🌿 The Practice of English Language Teaching – Jeremy Harmer - 🌿 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary - As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Each purchase of the above helps me to continue creating more free English language resources on YouTube and the Woodward English websites. 💚💚💚 Do you like WOODWARD ENGLISH and want to learn more? 💚💚💚 Here are the next steps to improving your English: 1) SUBSCRIBE to the WOODWARD ENGLISH channel so you know when I create new videos to help you improve your English. 🌿 Make sure you click the notification bell so you know immediately when I upload a new English lesson. 2) See our FREE ENGLISH LESSONS and language learning articles: 🌿 (Grammar lessons) 🌿 (Vocabulary lessons) 🌿 (Free English courses) 3) LET'S CONNECT! 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 ✉️ Send us a postcard from your country ✉️ Rob Woodward P.O. Box 38438 Howick Auckland 2145 New Zealand NOTE: Our English lessons and English language resources are for people over the age of 13. Have an awesome day! - Rob Woodward

Unidad 4

Seguramente te habrás dado cuenta que a nuestro país llega una gran cantidad de turistas que viene de diferentes partes del mundo. También sabrás que hoy más mexicanos tienen oportunidad de salir y visitar lugares fuera de su sitio de residencia. ¿Qué harías si en un futuro tuvieras la oportunidad de viajar?, ¿qué pasaría si en ese país tuvieses que hablar inglés?, ¿qué tendrías que hacer para viajar con un grupo de personas con gustos distintos a los tuyos?

Seasons in English - Vocabulary lesson - winter, spring, summer, autumn / fall

Seasons in English - Vocabulary lesson - winter, spring, summer, autumn / fall

The seasons in English - ESOL vocabulary lesson We look at the names of the seasons in English and learn typical vocabulary associated with each season. Each word appears with a cartoon or picture to help understand the meaning of it. The English vocabulary that appears in this lesson includes: WINTER vocabulary: cold days, snow, rain, umbrella, gloves, scarf, skiing, hot drinks. SPRING vocabulary: warm days, flowers, butterflies, nest, rainbow, gardening, allergies, baby animals. SUMMER vocabulary: hot days, beach, vacation, camping, ice cream, sunglasses, sunscreen, swimming pool. AUTUMN vocabulary or FALL vocabulary: cool days, leaves fall, wind, harvest, rake, acorns, clouds, pumpkins. We also look at the difference between AUTUMN and FALL in English. One is used in British English, the other is used in American English. You will also learn the correct pronunciation of the word AUTUMN (which has a silent letter). We also learn about the correct preposition to use before a season. There are examples sentences using this preposition. Finally, there are two questions at the end of this lesson that should be answered as practice. See our complete English lesson here: #Seasons #EnglishVocabulary #LearnEnglish 💚💚💚 How to support WOODWARD ENGLISH 💚💚💚 📗 ENGLISH LANGUAGE RESOURCES 📗 🌿 English Resources for Teachers and Parents. (PDF and PPT - Ideal for ESOL students or homeschool). These PDFs are also great for those studying English alone. ⭐ LIVE 1-ON-1 ENGLISH LESSONS ⭐ 🌿 (affiliate) Get $10 USD in italki credits after booking your first language lesson. The most EFFICIENT way to reach English fluency! - Customized 1-on-1 lessons with professionally qualified teachers that cater to students’ learning needs and interests. - Speaking with humans is the best way to learn English. 🎥 JOIN Woodward English on YouTube 🎥 🌿 - Exclusive videos only for members. - Exclusive members only posts in our YT community tab - Exclusive Discord channel. - Loyalty badges next to your name in comments and live chat - Custom emoji to use in live chat 📗 BOOKS I RECOMMEND 📗 🌿 Practical English Usage – Michael Swan - 🌿 English Grammar in Use – Raymond Murphy - 🌿 Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS - 🌿 The Practice of English Language Teaching – Jeremy Harmer - 🌿 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary - As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Each purchase of the above helps me to continue creating more free English language resources on YouTube and the Woodward English websites. 💚💚💚 Do you like WOODWARD ENGLISH and want to learn more? 💚💚💚 Here are the next steps to improving your English: 1) SUBSCRIBE to the WOODWARD ENGLISH channel so you know when I create new videos to help you improve your English. 🌿 Make sure you click the notification bell so you know immediately when I upload a new English lesson. 2) See our FREE ENGLISH LESSONS and language learning articles: 🌿 (Grammar lessons) 🌿 (Vocabulary lessons) 🌿 (Free English courses) 3) LET'S CONNECT! 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 ✉️ Send us a postcard from your country ✉️ Rob Woodward P.O. Box 38438 Howick Auckland 2145 New Zealand NOTE: Our English lessons and English language resources are for people over the age of 13. Have an awesome day! - Rob Woodward
FOOD, VERB LIKE, grado 2, tema 14

Unidad 5

Desde tiempos muy remotos, el ser humano se ha preocupado por el recuento de lo que le acontece de manera personal y colectiva. Por ello concibió y creó la noción de tiempo; sí, de la duración de las cosas sujetas al cambio; del recuento de lo que se tarda alguien en hacer algo, en lapsos o etapas. Desde siempre estamos contabilizando los minutos y las horas. Algunos de nosotros comenzamos nuestro día muy temprano y trabajamos hasta el anocher, otros, no tan activos, preferimos no dejar que el reloj guíe nuestra vida, pero éste lo hace. ¿Has reflexionado cómo es tu estilo de vida?, ¿cómo tu rutina diaria?, ¿hasta dónde rige el reloj tus acciones?¿Podrías describir las actividades que realizas en forma cotidiana y aquellas que llevan a cabo otras personas?, ¿has meditado cómo puedes conversar sobre ellas?

What time is it? Telling the Time in English Exercise

What time is it? Telling the Time in English Exercise

This lesson is to practice telling the time in English. A traditional analog clock appears on the screen with its minute hand and hour hand in a certain position. The viewer needs to say what time is shown before the answer appears on the screen five seconds late. This exercise is to practice using TO, PAST and O'CLOCK and the numbers used when telling the time. There are 24 different times in this exercise. I recommend watching our other video first about telling the time in English: #LearnEnglish #TellingTheTime #EnglishLesson 💚💚💚 How to support WOODWARD ENGLISH 💚💚💚 📗 ENGLISH LANGUAGE RESOURCES 📗 🌿 English Resources for Teachers and Parents. (PDF and PPT - Ideal for ESOL students or homeschool). These PDFs are also great for those studying English alone. ⭐ LIVE 1-ON-1 ENGLISH LESSONS ⭐ 🌿 (affiliate) Get $10 USD in italki credits after booking your first language lesson. The most EFFICIENT way to reach English fluency! - Customized 1-on-1 lessons with professionally qualified teachers that cater to students’ learning needs and interests. - Speaking with humans is the best way to learn English. 🎥 JOIN Woodward English on YouTube 🎥 🌿 - Exclusive videos only for members. - Exclusive members only posts in our YT community tab - Exclusive Discord channel. - Loyalty badges next to your name in comments and live chat - Custom emoji to use in live chat 📗 BOOKS I RECOMMEND 📗 🌿 Practical English Usage – Michael Swan - 🌿 English Grammar in Use – Raymond Murphy - 🌿 Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS - 🌿 The Practice of English Language Teaching – Jeremy Harmer - 🌿 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary - As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Each purchase of the above helps me to continue creating more free English language resources on YouTube and the Woodward English websites. 💚💚💚 Do you like WOODWARD ENGLISH and want to learn more? 💚💚💚 Here are the next steps to improving your English: 1) SUBSCRIBE to the WOODWARD ENGLISH channel so you know when I create new videos to help you improve your English. 🌿 Make sure you click the notification bell so you know immediately when I upload a new English lesson. 2) See our FREE ENGLISH LESSONS and language learning articles: 🌿 (Grammar lessons) 🌿 (Vocabulary lessons) 🌿 (Free English courses) 3) LET'S CONNECT! 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 ✉️ Send us a postcard from your country ✉️ Rob Woodward P.O. Box 38438 Howick Auckland 2145 New Zealand NOTE: Our English lessons and English language resources are for people over the age of 13. Have an awesome day! - Rob Woodward

Unidad 6

Hasta ahora has centrado tu atención en describir quién y cómo eres. Puedes hablar sobre las habilidades que posees para practicar deportes y pasatiempos, y sobre lo que te gusta y lo que no. Lo más probable es que también seas competente para describir tus actividades diarias y permanentes. Felicidades, ya tienes vocabulario y nociones gramaticales para mantener una conversación sobre ti mismo. Pero describirse a uno mismo no lo es todo pues somos seres sociales que nos integramos en grupos, el más importante de los cuales es la familia

Unidad 7

México es un país con una gran actividad turística. Según la Secretaría de Turismo, en 2011 se recibieron más de 22 millones de turistas que visitaron playas, sitios arqueológicos, bellezas naturales y pueblos mágicos. Los mexicanos recibimos una gran cantidad de visitantes al año que se van satisfechos por la hospitalidad brindada; los extranjeros nos perciben como personas simpáticas, alegres y amables

Basic Prepositions of Place in English | Learn English Prepositions | ESOL prepositions of place

Basic Prepositions of Place in English | Learn English Prepositions | ESOL prepositions of place

Basic prepositions of place in English with example sentences. The prepositions that appear in this ESOL lesson are: behind - in front of - next to / beside - between - near / close to - above / over - below / under - in - on In the first section, there is a box and a green ball. The position of the ball changes in relation to the box depending on the preposition that is used. The first time I only pronounce the name of the preposition. The second time I give a complete sentence using that preposition, for example: The ball is behind the box. In the second section we have cartoons that involve dogs. Each dog is positioned in a way to help explain the meaning of a preposition. For example, there are two dogs behind a postman. The example sentence is: The dogs are behind the postman. Each sentence is repeated twice. Notice how some prepositions have synonyms (words with the same or similar meaning), specifically: next to = beside near = close to above = over below = under We highlight these synonyms in the section with the cartoon dogs. This lesson about basic prepositions of place is appropriate both for kids and adults. See our complete lesson about prepositions of place here: * ENGLISH TEACHERS * We have a version of these preposition charts that can be used in the ESOL classroom. They are available here: #Prepositions #PrepositionsOfPlace #EnglishGrammar 💚💚💚 How to support WOODWARD ENGLISH 💚💚💚 📗 ENGLISH LANGUAGE RESOURCES 📗 🌿 English Resources for Teachers and Parents. (PDF and PPT - Ideal for ESOL students or homeschool). These PDFs are also great for those studying English alone. 🎥 JOIN Woodward English on YouTube 🎥 🌿 - Exclusive videos only for members. - Exclusive members only posts in our YT community tab - Loyalty badges next to your name in comments and live chat - Custom emoji to use in live chat 📗 BOOKS I RECOMMEND 📗 🌿 Practical English Usage – Michael Swan - 🌿 English Grammar in Use – Raymond Murphy - 🌿 Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS - 🌿 The Practice of English Language Teaching – Jeremy Harmer - 🌿 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary - As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Each purchase of the above helps me to continue creating more free English language resources on YouTube and the Woodward English websites. 💚💚💚 Do you like WOODWARD ENGLISH and want to learn more? 💚💚💚 Here are the next steps to improving your English: 1) SUBSCRIBE to the WOODWARD ENGLISH channel so you know when I create new videos to help you improve your English. 🌿 Make sure you click the notification bell so you know immediately when I upload a new English lesson. 2) See our FREE ENGLISH LESSONS and language learning articles: 🌿 (Grammar lessons) 🌿 (Vocabulary lessons) 🌿 (Free English courses) 3) LET'S CONNECT! 🌿 🌿 ✉️ Send us a postcard from your country ✉️ Rob Woodward P.O. Box 38438 Howick Auckland 2145 New Zealand NOTE: Our English lessons and English language resources are for people over the age of 13. Have an awesome day! - Rob Woodward

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